Office Organizing Services

Professionals, Entrepreneurs, Business Owners

> Got Piles? Got Piles of Files?
> Is your computer's desktop a pretty "mosaic" of icons, docs, and spreadsheets?
> Are there stacks of stuff around your office waiting to be re-filed?
> Are you asking, "Getting better organized is a great idea, but who has the time?"

We tailor our services to your specific needs, working with you ... asking questions ... making suggestions and recommendations ... helping implement solutions ... and teaching and transferring knowledge to help you manage, where needed, your:

Time: We'll identify habit-forming methods so you can manage yourself more effectively with respect to time and, if necessary, determine the type of planner or calendar that best fits your needs.

Paper: We'll sort and identify important papers, establish customized categories and systems, and determine the best logistical filing set-up.

Electronic Files: We'll identify important electronic files; e.g., email and Word, establish customized categories for folders (and subfolders), and determine the best internal and logistical filing set-up.

Space/Office Layout: We'll determine the physical layout that best supports your working style, and re-arrange your office accordingly, where possible.


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