I've heard horror stories about businesses losing money on deal sites! How will you prevent that from happening to me?

When a deal is run, the deal site rep's main focus is to just sell the deal - that's how they make their money. Our focus is to help you not only get exposure on the deal sites (multiple ones), but we manage the entire process -- so that you can focus on your business. Most importantly, we work with you on your numbers so that your deal is not a loss for you and your business.

Don't these deals only attract "couponers" - those only looking for a good deal?

Rice University did a survey in 2012 that showed 79.6% of deal buyers were new customers, 33.9% spent more than the deal's value, and 68% of those who previously redeemed a voucher returned to the business without using any type of coupon or voucher. Consumer Search did a study showing that 53% of daily deal buyers become regular customers. If they like what they tried, they'll come back.

Is it true that I only pay you if I get paid?

If we don't get you a new customer, then you owe us nothing -- we only take a percentage of the new business we get you. So you pay nothing upfront, and then only after you've made a sale and have gotten paid first. So take advantage - contact us right away to request a free consultation, and tell us more about your products or services.